Ambidextrous Baseball Gloves: Everything You Want To Know

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Oh, so you’re one of the few, who are trying to find what’s best suited for you as an ambidextrous player. 

Well although you may be unique, there are a few glove options out there, that are available for your unique play style. 

I’ll get straight into it.

What Do Ambidextrous Gloves Mean?

Now I’m sure as an avid baseball lover yourself you are aware of how things work on the field. If you throw with your right hand, then you are right-hand throw orientation and you’d have to purchase a glove for your left hand to catch. This works in both ways. 

But in the case of ambidextrous, the player can throw with both hands, and they need specific gloves that are catered to their design so that they can keep switching their hands throughout the game if needed. These gloves are not designed like your ordinary gloves and are designed in a specific way, having specific characteristics. 

Some of the interesting characteristics of this ambidextrous glove are dual thumbholes and dual webbing. Which is kind of cool if you think about it!

Best Ambidextrous Baseball Gloves 

Ambidextrous Baseball Gloves

Akadema Ambidextrous Glove 

Well, would you look at that the first on the list over here we have the Akadema Baseball glove? Now these gloves come with dual side webbing, so that helps you catch all those balls pitted towards you with ease. 

The Akadema Baseball gloves are specifically designed for pitchers since they come in the size specification of 12 inches. So you don’t have to worry about it fitting you. These gloves have an open back that is extremely necessary when you wanna keep trying and switching positions on the field and for even comfort reasons as well.

Well, there is a slight drawback to these gloves though, these gloves can tend to be a little heavier on kids, so it might be a little difficult for you to find something that would work for your younger ones other than that these gloves will work like a charm and are solely designed for pitching purposes.


  • Has good-quality leather 
  • Affordable 
  • Perfect for pitching 
  • Dual webbing 


  • Can tend to be too small for adults 
  • Can be difficult to break-in 

Rawlings Game XLE Ambidextrous Glove 

Well, if Rawlings wasn’t recommended in this article, then would I be even in my senses? But in all honesty, these gloves are super amazing. They come in superior quality just like any other glove, so this is perfect. 

Rawlings is a great option for those looking for a switch-pitcher glove, these come in 12 inches which are specifically designed for pitchers and their skills. So it’ll be catered to your playstyle and will make switching throughout the game a breeze!

The gloves are crafted from their ultimate ProStock leather which makes this all the more great for comfort and flexibility matter too. In terms of pricing, this is good and not placed on the higher of the price scale, therefore you can buy these easily and invest in them for a long time purpose. Therefore, making them a great switch pitcher glove. 


  • Good Quality 
  • Perfect sizing 
  • Comfort factor present 
  • Good for investing in a long time 


  • Can be small for players on the bigger side 

44 Pro Custom Ambidextrous Glove

So here’s, the last ambidextrous baseball glove that’s recommended in our list. The 44 Pro Custom gloves. Now these gloves are much better than the other two options, because right off the bat! They look super awesome. 

The thing about 44 Pro gloves as a company they allow you to freely customize to your liking. These also come in 12 inches just like any of the gloves recommended above making them suitable for pitching. They use their Japan Kip Leather to make these gloves and they feature six fingers. 

Moreover, they have a deep palm area that is double reinforced with double stitching to give strength and durability. The interior finger slots are wide and comfortable making it quick and easy to go from right to left hand or vice versa. These gloves stand out to me more than the other two, because they’ve given utmost attention to detail for their customer base. Making these the ultimate ambidextrous glove. 


  • Catered to customer preference 
  • Spaced finger slots 
  • Good quality leather 
  • Switching is easy.


  • Comparatively Pricier 

Common Problem Of Finding a Good Ambidextrous Glove 

Due to the rarity of the situation, ambidextrous gloves are quite tough to find. Also because of the limited options available, it’s a little impossible to look for something that is specifically catered to your taste. The limited availability in the market shows, that there are some potential gloves out there but they are not as good as many of the gloves that are present in the market, especially in terms of quality and design. 

Due to the niche market of ambidextrous gloves, you don’t have a lot of great options out there that are available for most pitchers. And you may end up sacrificing some of the good old features that you’d simply get in a normal glove. Gloves like Akadema are potential baseball gloves but ones like the 44 Pro Gloves are quite literally the best in the market. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. How does a switch pitcher glove differ from a regular baseball glove?

Well, these are specifically designed for players who can play with both hands. So they are pretty noticeable right off the bat, as I mentioned before these gloves tend to have dual webbing, dual thumbholes, and two sets of finger stalls. 

  1. Who are some famous ambidextrous players? 

Some of the really good players out there who are known to pitch with both hands are, Pat Venditte, Antonia Alfonseca, and Greg A Harris. These players are well known to be as switch glove players making them unique in their playstyle.

  1. What are the best ambidextrous gloves for switch players? 

On a very personal note, I think I’d recommend the 44 Pro Custom gloves they are perfect, and a lot of attention to detail has been given to making their glove perfect for their players. So if I were you, I’d take these gloves since they make a good long-term investment as well. However, Akadema Ambidextrous glove is also good.  

Final Thoughts

Well, if you ask me about it, I think that these sets of players are unique and the market should try and focus on them and the needs that they display and want in their gloves. 

But if there’s anything good out there then for me it’s the 44 Pro Gloves, they work for a good long time. Plus, I feel these are the only gloves that have taken each consideration and detail into making the best ambidextrous glove that is out there. 

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James Arnold
I'm James, and I live in Stanislaus County, California. I'm playing Baseball for many years, and I love this sport so much that I also encourage my kids (Danny and Sara) to play Baseball & Softball.